Don’t Mount Your TV Over Your Fireplace

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Whether you have purchased a new flat TV or you may have shifted your place. You start looking for the finest spot for placing your home theater system or flat TV for on the new wall. For the same you may do the online research with typing the best home theater installation near me on the search engine.

Many homeowners find it picture perfect to mount their TV or home theater over the fireplace. The tech guides recommend avoid doing that for many reasons. But their intent is clear which is to maintain your best interests. Just in case you are too keen to avoid the suggestions of the experts, you should learn the ways to mount your TV over fireplace. Before that know why it is not advisable to mount the home theater or flat TV over the fireplace.

What is Wrong with Mounting TV over Fireplace
  1. Heat and Electronics are Together a Big No
    Electronics care neither for the heat nor for the smoke. Home Theater Installation Services experts tell that mounting TV above the fireplace can prove to be equal to death wish for your expensive asset. The components of TV may get destroyed before your realize. Electronic devices operate best at lower temperatures. Excessive heat cause temperatures sensitive materials to degrade as the conductive materials can even cause shorts within the TV circuit.
  2. Not Convenient to Watch
    This issue is not very uncommon; many people make complaints of neck pains and strains while watching TV. The height at which the TV is mounted over the fireplace is not the best position for your spinal cord. It is not only a bad experience for your eye balls to see the moving image but also causes strain in your neck. The temporary discomfort when ignored for some time can develop into chronic pain. 

